Edge of Light Wiki

Sullan Street is the first area of Edge of Light. It is part of the Accursed Lands, in which a plague spread like wildfire, infesting and morphing countless innocent beings into mindless abominations.

Houses no. 1 & 2

These houses possess less loot, mostly being scraps of metal, wood planks and other construction materials.

House no. 3

House no.3 contains a Bile Weaver, which guards a chest containing Antibile and a Sullan Bow or a Sullan Sword. Once the player defeats the Bile Weaver, they will hear loud footsteps and violent growls from upstairs. They will then have a choice either to exit the house or to proceed up the stairs. Proceeding up the stairs initiates a battle with a Deadbile Guardian of the Citadel. Beating this optional boss will reveal a tunnel that grants access to the end of Sanguinary Fields, allowing them to skip the entirety of the Accursed Lands.

Houses no. 4, 5 & 6

These houses contain a few items like Antibile and Bile Arrows. House number 5 contains a few Infested Knights.
